Twin Ports Interchange (TPI)

The TPI project, currently underway, involves the reconstruction of the interchange at the junction of I-35, Interstate 535, and the TH53 along with all adjacent roadways. Construction is committed to occur in three primary quadrants. Multiple bridge structures will be replaced and roadway improvements will create a better and safer fundamental link between the Duluth…

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MnDOT’s $120 million I-35E MnPASS Express Lanes marked a first-of-a-kind lane approach to having HOV lanes through an interchange commons area to keep traffic moving and increase safety for all motorists. Through the I-35E/I-694 interchange, the northbound MnPASS designation drops for approximately three miles. In the southbound direction, an existing general-purpose lane is converted to…

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After studying various strategies to reduce congestion on I-35W it was determined a MnPASS lane in each direction between Co. Rd. C in Roseville and Lexington Ave. (Co. Rd. 17) in Blaine would provide the best long-term congestion relief on the highway. MnPASS lanes are a solution for areas with high traffic volumes because they…

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Light Rail

PE Services has been a partner in each of the three LRT lines built in Minnesota. We worked on the design of the Hiawatha Light Rail project throughout the duration of the project, which was built as the first major publicly-funded design/build project in Minnesota. We provided five civil design team members through the entire project for…

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I-94 between Maple Grove and Clearwater is undergoing three years of improvements and upgrades along a 39-mile stretch of road. We are adding travel lanes, rebuilding bridges, constructing access lanes, improving drainage, adding an interchange, and resurfacing deteriorating pavement. When complete, motorists will experience improved safety, a smoother road surface, better commercial access for freight…

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ADA Compliance

PE Services has provided a variety of services centered on ADA work. Our work includes developing and delivering training on creating a transition plan, assessing the condition of existing ramps and sidewalks, and removing and installing compliant ADA sidewalk. We’ve also worked with public agencies to locate and identify the ADA ramps and sidewalks in their system…

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