Project Highlights
After studying various strategies to reduce congestion on I-35W it was determined a MnPASS lane in each direction between Co. Rd. C in Roseville and Lexington Ave. (Co. Rd. 17) in Blaine would provide the best long-term congestion relief on the highway.

MnPASS lanes are a solution for areas with high traffic volumes because they serve more people, provide reliable travel times during peak congestion, and increase transit and carpool use. The traffic analysis completed for this study area shows that the MnPASS alternative serves about 10% more people daily, provides free-flowing travel for 75% more people, and significantly improves travel times and trip reliability for transit riders and others using the MnPASS lanes.
PE Services staff worked with MnDOT to manage details surrounding this project’s documentation, project photos, contractor payroll verification, environmental compliance, inspection and materials testing. MnDOT used Microsoft Sharepoint for Document Management and granted PE Services system administrator rights to add/remove users and customize the site to best serve their project management needs. PE Services staff is certified by the appropriate agencies (including MnDOT, NASSCO, PTI, ACI and the MPCA) to test and inspect steel, grading and concrete materials, environmental compliance, and perform construction observation. In addition, PE Services staff worked in conjunction with MnDOT and their partners to ensure a quality product was built for roadway users for many years to come.