Employee Spotlight – Darlene Gorrill

“I started working part time for PE Services two years ago. As communications manager, I help clients with strategic communication planning – identifying the who (audiences), the what (key messages and content), the when (timing), and the how (communications vehicles) – as well as writing and editing for reports, manuals, meeting summaries, planning documents, and other publications, for the web, and for social media.”

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Job Site Safety

Ensuring Safety in Civil Engineering Projects Safety is a paramount point of emphasis for all engineering projects due to the inherent risks associated with the construction activities. From planning to execution, every phase of a project demands rigorous safety protocols to protect workers, the public, and the environment. The integration of safety measures begins with…

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Employee Spotlight – Kevin Amundson

“Take your time, don’t be in a hurry to complete tasks. It’s always better to complete a task correctly the first time than to have to redo it or have someone else fix it. And ask questions. The only stupid question is the one you don’t ask.”

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Why Teamwork is Important on Construction Projects (and in Life!)

Teamwork is crucial in both construction projects and life for several reasons. In construction, where complex tasks and tight deadlines are the norm, effective teamwork ensures that projects are completed efficiently and to a high standard. Each member of the team brings unique skills and expertise to the table, contributing to the overall success of the project. From architects…

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The Foundation of Reliable Construction: Clean and Calibrated Testing Equipment

In the realm of civil construction, precision is paramount. Whether you’re assessing concrete strength or ensuring level foundations, the tools you rely on can make or break your project’s success. Clean, calibrated testing equipment stands at the forefront of this reliability. Consider the concrete air meter—a fundamental tool for assessing the air content in concrete…

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Employee Spotlight – Jay Dennis

“I’ve been at PE Services for 13 years.  Currently, I’m a senior engineer providing CAD and engineering support during construction for METRO Green Line Extension (also known as the Southwest light rail project, or SWLRT.)”

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Employee Spotlight – Eric Johnson

“My favorite project was the Washington Avenue Bridge. I was on the Structures Team that worked on the design of that bridge, and then I was assigned to be the METC inspector as they put it together. It was interesting to see the drawings come to life.”

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Ensuring Durability and Longevity in Concrete Paving

Here are some things we do at PE Services to ensure the durability and longevity of concrete paving projects: Prioritize Proper Preparation: Before any concrete is placed, meticulous preparation is key. We ensure the subgrade is properly compacted and graded to provide a stable foundation for the concrete. Attention to detail during this stage can…

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Employee Spotlight – Andy McDermott

“I have been doing marketing work for architecture firms for over 20 years. I am loving the shift to the engineering and construction world. Every day is a learning experience and I really like the people I am working with.”

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The super skill that helps prevent costly project missteps

Your mission: Keep a road construction project on time and within budget. On your side: A defined scope, well-planned schedule, great expertise. What might be missing? Often overlooked, effective communication can make or break a project. Lack of it can result in costly errors and delays. At PE Services, we bring the value of effective…

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