Employee Spotlight – Eric Johnson

“Watching PE Services grow has been very satisfying. We have built this company on establishing good relationships with our clients and delivering the highest quality of work.”
Getting to Know Eric Johnson, Senior Civil Technician
How long have you been at PE Services and what does your role entail?
I started with PE Services in 1998. I started at the lowest rung on the ladder and worked my way up to Senior Inspector. I inspect anything civil related, from sewers to bridges.
What made you decide to work at PE Services over other firms?
My sister, Ann Johnson Stewart started PE Services, and I have only reluctantly worked for other companies. I look at PE Services as a family business. Watching the company grow has been very satisfying. We have built this company on establishing good relationships with our clients and delivering the highest quality of work.
What is your favorite aspect of your job?
I enjoy being outdoors during the warmer months. I also enjoy seeing a project take shape. I appreciate being part of a team that works together.
What has been your favorite project and why?
My favorite project was the Washington Avenue Bridge. I was on the Structures Team that worked on the design of that bridge, and then I was assigned to be the METC inspector as they put it together. It was interesting to see the drawings come to life.
I am happiest when….
I am happiest when I am spending time with my family. My wife Christine and my son Noah are why I get out of bed in the morning. Our dog, Walter, is pretty cute, but he drives me nuts sometimes.
How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance in a demanding professional environment?
I take my time when I need to. My wife plans vacations for us and I never regret taking time off.
What’s the best advice you have ever gotten?
Never wish a moment away. Life comes at you fast, but you can never get that time back. Enjoy every minute you have with the important people in your life.
Describe your perfect vacation.
Kayak fishing on a Wisconsin lake.
What would you tell a newcomer to PE Services?
Be sure to make time to meet Dale. He has lots of stories.
Any podcasts you think others should know about?
My son turned me on to Critical Role which is a group of voice actors who play Dungeons and Dragons. I first started D&D around 1978. I still play with my son, Noah, occasionally. The podcast makes my commutes not so dull.
If you could swap jobs with a colleague for a day, who would it be and why?
Andy. He has candy on his desk (for now).
What three words would your best friend use to describe you?
Reliable. Patient. Husband.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Anything dark chocolate related with other bits of chocolate in it.