Ensuring Durability and Longevity in Concrete Paving

Here are some things we do at PE Services to ensure the durability and longevity of concrete paving projects: Prioritize Proper Preparation: Before any concrete is placed, meticulous preparation is key. We ensure the subgrade is properly compacted and graded to provide a stable foundation for the concrete. Attention to detail during this stage can…

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The super skill that helps prevent costly project missteps

Your mission: Keep a road construction project on time and within budget. On your side: A defined scope, well-planned schedule, great expertise. What might be missing? Often overlooked, effective communication can make or break a project. Lack of it can result in costly errors and delays. At PE Services, we bring the value of effective…

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Dewatering the Right Way

Warm and seasonably stormy is the predicted weather pattern for the summer of 2024. With storms comes rain and that means dewatering may be necessary on construction projects in order to continue work. Dewatering may also be necessary due to groundwater or nearby natural resources. No matter the reason, dewatering will likely occur at some…

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After Midnight

The adage “Nothing Good Ever Happens After Midnight” isn’t really true when it comes to the construction of the Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit (GLBRT) line on the East Side of St. Paul. As much as working overnight may not be a preferred way of life in the construction business, it does offer many benefits…

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Best Practices for Building a Community Engagement Plan

Community engagement during construction projects is essential. When done correctly, it creates a harmonious relationship between the construction team and the community. It also promotes transparency and often addresses concerns early in a project when they have a higher likelihood of resolution. Engagement enhances safety, supports local commerce, and it ultimately contributes to the successful…

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Bridging the Gap: Highlighting Minnesota’s Need for Bridge Construction

The Minnesota Department of Transportation reports that the state boasts more than 20,000 bridges.  Among these, a significant portion are identified as requiring repairs. Data from the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) indicates that nearly 600 bridges are classified as structurally deficient. Efforts by the state and other government entities to address these…

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Digital Delivery Methods in Transportation

Transportation departments across the nation are actively pursuing the implementation of digital delivery methods for their construction projects.  This innovative approach aims to provide users with the ability to visualize plans through an accurate, three-dimensional model, eliminating the need to reference traditional two-dimensional paper plans in pdf format. The utilization of 3D models presents a distinct…

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Quality of CADD Work

An Overlooked Key to Success? Computer-Aided Drafting & Design has been integral to the continued development of Civil Engineering and Construction for nearly four decades. Even though there are numerous software programs that contribute to the creation, modification, and optimization of design through computer-assisted means, the primary ones we think of today are programs that…

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