Employee Spotlight – Darlene Gorrill

“I like sharing with others how powerful effective communications can be!”
Getting to Know Darlene Gorrill, Communications Manager
How long have you been at PE Services and what does your role entail?
I started working part time for PE Services two years ago. As communications manager, I help clients with strategic communication planning – identifying the who (audiences), the what (key messages and content), the when (timing), and the how (communications vehicles) – as well as writing and editing for reports, manuals, meeting summaries, planning documents, and other publications, for the web, and for social media.
What made you decide to work at PE Services over other firms?
l heard about PE Services from a former colleague who had joined the company. In discussions with others at the company, I learned about PE Services’ commitment to quality (and communications!) and its supportive and friendly culture. That – and the chance to work with my colleague again – sealed the deal for me.
What is your favorite aspect of your job?
Sharing with others how powerful effective communications can be!
What has been your favorite project and why?
I’m currently enjoying the challenge of working on projects to improve traffic safety in the state. I like contributing to projects that can make a difference.
I am happiest when….
I’m reading on a beach, hitting a really good backhand on the tennis court, and helping first-graders with their reading skills.
How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance in a demanding professional environment?
Chocolate and perspective!
If you could swap jobs with a colleague for a day, who would it be and why?
Honestly, anyone. I started my career as a journalist and I’m always interested in people, the work they do, and their contributions.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Cherry Garcia.