I-90 Unbonded Overlay: TH 169 to TH 22

Located in rural southern Minnesota, this interstate rehabilitation project aims to extend pavement life and improve ride quality. PE Services provides construction inspection, materials testing, plant inspection, document control, and environmental compliance management to ensure project success. The project’s proximity to wetlands, farmland, and the Blue Earth River requires meticulous erosion control and stormwater management.…

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METRO Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

The METRO Gold Line is Minnesota’s first dedicated BRT corridor, designed to improve transit connectivity along the Interstate 94 corridor between St. Paul and Woodbury. PE Services played a pivotal role in construction and environmental oversight, ensuring the seamless execution of this transformative 10-mile transit project. Our team provided inspection, materials testing, and compliance monitoring,…

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TH 169 CMGC “169 Redefine” Project

The 169 Redefine project transformed a congested three-mile stretch of Highway 169 in Elk River into a modern, free-flowing corridor. PE Services served as the Prime Consultant, leading contract administration, inspection, and compliance oversight on this $124 million MnDOT initiative. Our team played a crucial role in coordinating four new interchanges, reconstructing travel lanes, and…

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