Project Highlights
ADA Compliance
PE Services has provided a variety of services centered on ADA work. Our work includes developing and delivering training on creating a transition plan, assessing the condition of existing ramps and sidewalks, and removing and installing compliant ADA sidewalk. We’ve also worked with public agencies to locate and identify the ADA ramps and sidewalks in their system using GIS survey tools. For the last three years, we have worked with MnDOT to train minority contractors how to remove and reinstall ADA ramps and sidewalks to meet compliance requirements. Each project provides an opportunity for us to build on our expertise in this area.
At the University of Minnesota’s main campus, PE Services conducted the assessment of hundreds of pedestrian ramps, over 200,000 lineal feet of concrete walks and driveways, and over a million square feet of concrete plazas. We used a diverse team of students to complete the entire assessment and analysis on time via a manual, walking survey. While working in the field, our raters entered assessment data using enhanced Arc2Earth imagery, which was collected dynamically and immediately available to our client. At each ramp or sidewalk, we provided a complete inventory of features present or lacking, including ramp slope (is the ramp flat or too steep), the presence of a compliant landing area, and the presence of any regulated warning devices, such as truncated domes. We recently repeated this same type of assessment and data collection for the city of Stillwater.
Our ADA training covers both the regulations and specifications, assessment processes, design, and construction. We’ve trained city and county staff in how to develop a transition plan, construction inspectors in what to look for when monitoring ADA construction, and contractors in how to actually build and complete the work to ADA standards. PE Services has partnered with MnDOT Office of Civil Rights to create a program targeted specifically at minority-owned construction firms to train them both in the tight specifications and construction requirements, but also in the best practices for setting forms, finishing and dome placement. This work continues to grow and is a perfect fit for PE Services staff expertise in both training and inspection.